The four classical elements are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water; add Spirit, and you have five. Each element has its own properties and associations, and each has unique ways to connect with it. Many people have one or two elements with which they connect best, and it may be useful to know yours, but it is also good to be able to connect with them all. Let's go over them one at a time.
Earth is associated with, well, things of the Earth: the forces of nature and her bounty, birth and healing, fertility, mystery and growth, material abundance, and matters of business and industry. It's compass direction is North, and creatures of Earth include the bear, stag, and wolf.
Air is associated with things of the mind (intellect, communication, concentration, telepathy, etc.) and also with prophecy, movement and karma. It's compass direction is East, and creatures of Air include the hawk, raven, and eagle.
Fire is associated with energy, purification, courage, the will to dare, creativity, loyalty, force, the higher self, success and refinement, arts and transformation. It's compass direction is South, and creatures of Fire include the lion, phoenix, and dragon.
Water is associated with things of the soul (intuition, emotions, the inner self) and with flowing movement, cleansing power, the currents and tides of life, and with dreams and dreamtime. It's compass direction is West, and creatures of Water include the dolphin, swan, and crab.
Spirit, also known as Akasha, God/Goddes, and so many other names, is the binding force of the other four. It is associated with centering, transformation, and limitlessness. Rather than a compass direction, Spirit is at the center.
As far as connecting with the Elements, I think it's pretty obvious that a great way to do so is by going outside and simply enjoying nature, but let's be more specific. Below are some examples of ways I like to connect.
- Walk outside barefoot
- Feel things in nature: rocks, trees, grass...
- Leave out food or water for animals
- Climb a tree
- Grow something
- Look at your children, friends, pets
- Before you eat, think about where your food came from
- Think about how all the things around you, are from the Earth. However changed and processed by man, everything has its roots in the Earth.
- Remember that you are also of the Earth
- Simply breathe
- Stand and feel the air, whether a light breeze or a mighty wind
- Watch the clouds blow by
- Light incense
- Remember that Air is all around you constantly, even though we don't see it. We usually ignore it, taking it for granted, and yet without it there would be no life.
- Try to feel subtle changes in the air, even indoors
- Light a candle
- Have a campfire or bonfire
- Watch lightning
- Feel the warmth of the sunlight
- Play with a Tesla ball
- Notice your own sparks of energy
- Do something you're a bit afraid of
- Swim
- Take a bath or shower
- Stand in the rain
- Wade in a stream or jump in puddles
- Watch the rain, a stream, a fountain, or any flowing water
- Go to the beach or a lake
- Try to visualize the blood pumping throughout your body, and remember humans are mostly water.
- Pray
- Meditate
- Divination
- Many of the ways to connect to Spirit are personal and unique, so do what works for you.
Personally, I find my best way to connect with Spirit, is to connect with the other four. The element I feel I connect best with is Air. There are varying ways to discover yours, but for me it was kind of three fold. I consider myself a logical person, and I like to think about things rationally. So Air makes sense. I also feel the most physically ans spiritually connected to nature, and to Spirit, when I am standing in the breeze, feeling the wind all around me, and smelling the fresh air. The third thing is a bit silly, but it seems to me that flight is just about the definition of freedom. So there you have it; I hope you enjoyed my babbling on the subject.